Carols in the park

9th December 2023
Carols in the Park by VoiceworksPLUS was a wonderful start to the Festive Season.


Lake Jualbup Shenton Park, Wednesday 6 December 2023

Voiceworks+ Christmas Carols 2023-26

Voiceworks+ Christmas Carols 2023-93

Voiceworks+ Christmas Carols 2023-51

Voiceworks+ Christmas Carols 2023-85


Attended by a large and very appreciative picnic crowd!

Voiceworks+ Christmas Carols 2023-19

We loved watching you perform, you were all amazing!!  Congratulations to Joanna Worthington, Marie O'Dwyer, Kim Addison, Amanda Hannington and to all our fabulous VoiceworksPLUS performers!
Thank you to Damian Doyle of DGD Photography for the photos.


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