Long Lunch 2023!
7th March 2023
At the start of the event, the VoiceworksPLUS choir performed "Happy Talk" to a very appreciative audience of supporters in the packed restaurant.
Supporters paid $200 for a fabulous four-course meal complete with drinks plus entertainment by the choir and sophisticated background music by Marie O'Dwyer.
A highlight for everyone was the raffle where, after their performance, VoiceworksPLUS circulated amongst the guests and sold raffle tickets. Huge thanks to Kristin for organising the tickets, cash box and the EFTPOS machines, to Tina for organising the raffle prizes and to Colin and Elizabeth for the raffle draw.
After the main course, Fred Fairthorne introduced the auctioneer for a very successful auction which included a stay at the Parmelia hotel, a helicopter trip, two landscape paintings and several other items including a signed Fremantle jumper.
We are very appreciative of the numerous people who donated prizes, materials, or their time to make this event a success!
In particular, we thank our major sponsors, Fred Fairthorne of Farmer Jacks supermarkets and Jacquie Chan of Miss Chows restaurant for their generosity.
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